Diane Miller JD - USA
Attorney and the Law and Public Policy Advisor for National Health Freedom Coalition (NHFC) and its sister lobbying organization, National Health Freedom Action (NHFA)
Attorney Miller is an educator, lobbyist, and advocate for collaboration, and works to implement the principles of health freedom in all areas of health.
Her work involves:
- helping to protect the human right of all people to make their own health choices including the right to choose and access non-toxic health options and the right to decline or avoid medical treatments that they do not want
- promoting safe harbor practitioner exemption state laws for all healers including homeopaths, naturopaths, herbalists and others
- reforming state laws to ensure that medical licensed professionals can practice holistic and integrative care
- protecting access to products including dietary supplements, homeopathic, and other natural remedies and truthful health claims about them
- advocating for laws that prohibit the proliferations of GMO’s, wireless microwave radiation and other harmful exposures, or the genetic modification of humans
- protecting access to raw milk and organic food
- protecting mother earth and her natural resources
- and finally supporting leaders who are working to impact health decisions including decisions by international forums in order to protect health freedoms around the world.
Diane Miller is co-founder and moderator of the United States Health Freedom Congress and author of her recent book, Health Freedom: The Greatest Freedom of All, and her seminal book, The Principles of Health Freedom. (www.dianemillerhealthfreedom.com)
"I believe that laws and customs must be carefully reviewed, revised, and even repealed if necessary, and new ones created, to reflect the continual development, evolution, and spiritual maturation of a people."