World Health Congress 2023 Prague >> Guests

Dr Naveen Gupta

Dr Naveen Gupta - United Kingdom

AyurVeda Coach and Physician

Dr Naveen GUPTA was born in Delhi, India in 1960 and began studying Ayurveda at the early age of 16 years at the oldest Ayurveda Institute in Delhi known as ‘Ayurvedic and Unani Tibbia College’. In the year 1983 he received his degree of Bachelors of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery B.A.M.S. with Honours and distinctions in clinical subjects from Delhi University with a Gold medal.

Dr GUPTA has been practising Ayurveda for four decades (since the year 1984) out of which the first two decades he practised in Delhi, India and the last two decades he is practising and teaching in Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and The Netherlands.

Dr GUPTA is an accomplished ‘Ayurveda Acharya’ and ‘Nadi Vaidya’ who received his trainings from ‘Vaidya Raja’ Satya Dev Vashishtha, an exponent of Duta Nadi Pariksha (Art of examining Pulse of a person by feeling the pulse of the messenger carrying message and bhava, the experiences of the person to be examined)

He is specialised in Dravya Guna (Herbology and divine herbs of Mother Nature), Marma Shastra (the Ayurvedic care of vital points in Human Physiology), Vedic Psychotherapy for Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing, and PanchaKarma (Detoxification, Rejuvenation and Regeneration Techniques).

Dr GUPTA has a deep interest in whole range of Vedic healing arts, sciences and technologies for achieving the highest quality of health and consciousness.

(‘Ayurveda Acharya’, ‘Nadi Vaidya’ and ‘Vaidya Raja’ are the titles in the highest order in Ayurveda tradition)

I don’t desire lordship over others, nor do I aspire for heavenly pleasures, nor do I pray to be released from the bondage of birth and death, my only ambition is to become an instrument of relieving the sufferings of those who are groaning under the scourge of one or the other disease.

This is the motive by which Dr GUPTA is perpetually guided.


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